Here is a very good article from The New Republic after the acquittal of Clay Shaw:

The New Republic, March 15, 1969
Money Quote:
When one adds to this shambles the fact that not a single elected official in Louisiana, from governor and senators down, has yet dared to utter a single critical word about the D.A.'s action, what Garrison has proved is that Louisiana -- a state with an unenviable record for political chicanery, corruption, incompetence and negligence -- may now have its most potentially dangerous demagogue since Huey Long.
Previous Relevant Blog Posts
In January 1971, Judge Herbert Christenberry conducted three days of hearings on Garrison's prosecution of Clay Shaw for perjury. His scathing decision concluded that Garrison deprived Clay Shaw of his constitutional rights.
A good editorial from the Chicago Daily News.
The New Orleans Times-Picayune reports on a Clay Shaw speech.
An editorial and an opinion piece from the New York Times.
An editorial from the Washington Evening Star after Shaw's acquittal.
Several editorials about the acquittal of Clay Shaw.
The Washington Post calls for the removal of Jim Garrison from office.
News and editorials on the acquittal from the newspapers in New Orleans.