Thomas Beckham's book, Remnants of Truth, is very hard to find. I was lucky that an antiquarian book shop informed me they had a copy - and I snatched it up for $200.
Thomas Beckham is now a Rabbi - Rabbi Thomas Beckh'am!
The last two days we have posted Garrison's memo to the HSCA about Thomas Beckham and Fred Crisman. A large part of his memo was about their university degrees and professional certifications. So, today, I present some of Beckham's degrees, from his book, and his testimony before the HSCA.
Beckham had the HSCA in tears - laughing!
Here is the cover, the back cover, and the first few pages:
Here is his section on his degrees and professional certifications.
Here is Thomas Beckham's testimony before the HSCA about his degrees and certifications. They must have been laughing their heads off:
It was at this point that the HSCA started to realize that Thomas Beckham might not be such an important witness for their investigation.