Here is the Secret Service report on Thomas Arthur Vallee and his supposed threat to JFK in Chicago in November 1963.

Did Vallee ever pose a real threat to JFK?
All it says is that he made "comments against the President." But what did he actually say? Yes, Vallee didn't like Kennedy and he was a gun nut, but so were thousands of other people.

Here is an excerpt from the HSCA interview with Secret Service agent Edward Tucker about Vallee:

Vallee's landlady said that he was not going to work on Saturday. But wasn't the plan to shoot JFK from the building in which he worked? This is exactly the scenario discussed in Oliver Stone's so-called document series JFK: Destiny Betrayed.
Here is an excerpt from the book JFK Revisited: (pages 234 -235 of the Kindle edition)
Paul Bleau: What you found in Vallee and the whole Chicago plot is so many similarities to what eventually happened in Dallas that it can’t be considered coincidental. Vallee, if we compare him to Oswald is an ex-Marine. He had been posted like Oswald in the Far East on a station that was linked to the CIA because there were U-2 surveillance planes on it. It was easy to portray him as disgruntled, anti-Kennedy, a loner, armed. He had another intelligence link that he shared with Oswald in that he trained Cuban exiles for combat, which was a CIA responsibility. And Oswald, we know, at least offered to do that, he most likely did train Cuban exiles, but we know he tried to. Oswald, as we know, was moved from New Orleans to Dallas in October to be there just at the right time for the motorcade. And he’s placed in a tall building where he gets a job and he’s adjacent to the perfect kill zone. Now, if we look at what happened to Vallee, he’s moved like a pawn in August from Long Island to Chicago to be in there in time for the motorcade. And where does he get a job? In a tall building adjacent to the motorcade with a perfect view of a kill zone. It would have forced Kennedy’s motorcade to do a sharp turn, slow down and be in a point where you could have that perfect triangulation of fire.
Most of what Paul Bleau says is just not true. There were no U-2s at Vallee's Japanese airbase when he was there. There is no evidence that he "trained Cuban exiles for combat." And Oswald did not train Cuban exiles.

Previous Blog Posts on Vince Palamara's book on the supposed plot in Chicago
Palamara tries to respond to my five-part series on his book.
An examination of Palamara's second eight pieces of corroborating evidence for the plot.
An examination of Palamara's first eight pieces of corroborating evidence for the plot.
A look at the origin of the supposed plot.
A look at Homer Echeverria.
A look at Lloyd John Wilson.
Previous Blog Posts on the supposed plot in Chicago
This document was supposedly destroyed by the Secret Service.
Chad Nagle tries to argue that there was a plot.
The HSCA did speak to Edwin Black. It was a memorable interview.
There is no evidence of a plot in Chicago against JFK.
Bolden's story about the supposed Chicago plot has changed over the years.
An examination of supposed other plots against JFK.
Bolden didn't say one word about a supposed plot against JFK in Chicago.