Rosemary James was the reporter who broke the story about Jim Garrison's investigation into the JFK assassination for the New Orleans States-Item. She then went on to work for WWL-TV.
This review is from the July 11, 1999 edition of the New Orleans Times-Picayune.

My favorite part of the review is Rosemary James' description of Garrisons' book:
"Still not content, Garrison sat down at his typewriter and concocted the biggest lie of all, his book, "On the Trail of the Assassins," once again defaming Clay Shaw. To give the devil his due, the book was well written, a fast-moving, exciting piece of cold war spy genre fiction, and it produced a lot of money for the DA in book sales, and a movie contract.
Oliver Stone, as gullible as they get in La-La Land, swallowed Garrison's tale hook, line and sinker, and spent millions regurgitating it on film. With "JFK," Stone became another False Witness, distorting history and justifying his film on the basis of artistic license, giving Garrison the image of a God-fearing family man and caped crusader and using the same smear tactics as Garrison to destroy the image of an innocent man no longer able to defend himself."
I strongly recommend that everybody read Patricia Lambert's False Witness, one of the finest books out there on the Garrison investigation