It is quite depressing that RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard will bring JFK conspiracy nonsense into the Trump administration.

Conspiracy theories about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy have floated around the fringes of US politics for decades. Now his nephew Robert F. Kennedy Jr. could bring them into the heart of the White House.
Kennedy -- the vaccine skeptic tapped by President-elect Donald Trump as his health secretary -- has been pushing for his daughter-in-law to be the deputy director of the CIA, US media reports say.
The US news outlet Axios said that part of Kennedy's motivation for getting Amaryllis Fox Kennedy the job was to prove his belief that the intelligence agency had a role in the shooting of his uncle in Dallas in November 1963.
Amaryllis Fox Kennedy, who also ran RFK Jr.'s campaign for President, sat down for an interview with Tucker Carlson last October where she discussed the JFK assassination, amongst other topics. Sitting down with Carlson is enough to question anybody's judgment.
I am not going to subject myself to listening to the whole interview, but her Oliver Stone-like view of Ukraine is repugnant. There is a lot of nutty stuff in the interview. She can't even get the 1953 overthrow of Mohammad Mosaddegh right - she claims he had been elected, when, in fact, he had been appointed.
And she refers to the JFK assassination as a coup.
Here is an excerpt from a transcript: (35;30)
Tucker Carlson: What do you think that's about? ...
Amaryllis Fox Kennedy: The assassinations of the 60s?
Tucker Carlson: Yes.
Amaryllis Fox Kennedy: Oh, I could talk to you about that all day.
Tucker Carlson: I bet. You've intersected with it on various levels.
Amaryllis Fox Kennedy: I have, yeah, and, and I feel something of a responsibility to get to the bottom of that, at least in my lifetime, for my children, you know, I mean, my daughter, Bobcat, is Bobby the fourth, so her great grandfather was RFK and I want to be able to look at her and for her to know whether or not her own government was involved in these assassinations, and if so, what's been done about it, to make sure that that never ever happens again, that there's never a coup like that in this country again. And I think when you look at the collaboration that was going on in those days between the intelligence community and organized crime and the mob, you know, there, there were very blurry boundaries ...
Of course, she is right to be concerned about the intelligence agencies and organized crime, but RFK knew about the CIA working with the mob to kill Castro and he said nothing to the Warren Commission.
The other crazy person that might be in the Trump administration is Tulsi Gabbard who supported the Assad regime in Syria and continually denied that he used chemical weapons.
Here is a recent video about Gabbard:
In 2020, she was photographed carrying a copy of James Douglass's book, JFK and the Unspeakable, a truly ridiculous book on the JFK assassination (see above for the photograph).
She tells him that she hadn't finished the book but that "from what I have read, it uncovers a lot of things that speaks to what happened in a way I haven't seen anywhere else."
Gabbard is slated to be head of National Intelligence. If she finds the Douglass book to be convincing, what does that say about her ability to analyze intelligence?
Rick Perlstein wrote a very good article on the conspiracism of RFK. And now he will be able to put his theories into practice and to further infect the Trump administration:
Normal people noted with satisfaction that all the Kennedys got together to denounce their relative for his conspiracism. For those inclined to believe in things like QAnon, that’s RFK’s best feature—not a bug. Those other Kennedys were frauds. RFK Jr., the only one with the courage to keep the faith, was Camelot’s true heir. That is his Kennedy magic: that he alone can defeat the Unspeakable.
All that unspeakable, peer-reviewed science. All those unspeakable vaccines, which he calls a “holocaust.” The unspeakable scourge of 5G, a plot to “control our behavior”; the “plandemic”—RFK Jr. now proudly admits that he helped fund the film claiming that there was no COVID epidemic, until mad scientists conjured it up in order to control the sheeple. I mean, they’re just evil that way: Look at how they killed his uncle and dad.
Let's hope that RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard are not confirmed for their positions.
But if they are, God help us.

President John F Kennedy’s grandson Jack Schlossberg blasted Robert F Kennedy Jr’s candidacy as “an embarrassment” before endorsing President Joe Biden.
Mr Schlossberg said in a video on Instagram on Friday that his grandfather’s “legacy is important.” He accused his cousin, RFK Jr, of “trading in on Camelot, celebrity, conspiracy theories and conflict for personal gain and fame.”
Update 2
Her interview with Al Jazeera in 2016 show why she is unfit for to be deputy head of the CIA:
Here is the transcript from this interview:
If I learned one lesson from my time with the CIA, it is this: everybody believes they're the good guy.
I was an officer with the CIA Clandestine Service and worked undercover on counterterrorism and intelligence all around the world for almost 10 years. The conversation that's going on in the United States right now about ISIS and about the United States overseas is more oversimplified than ever. Ask most Americans whether ISIS poses an existential threat to this country, and they'll say, yes. That's where the conversation stops. If you're walking down the street in Iraq or Syria and ask anybody why America dropped bombs. You get "they're waging war on Islam." And you walk in America, and you ask, "why were we attacked on 911?" and you get, "they hate us because we're free." Those are stories manufactured by a really small number of people on both sides who amass a great deal of power and wealth by convincing the rest of us to keep killing each other.
I think the question we need to be asking as Americans examining our foreign policy is whether or not we're pouring kerosene on a candle. The only real way to disarm your enemy is to listen to them. If you hear them out, if you're brave enough to really listen to their story, you can see that more often than not, you might have made some of the same choices, if you'd lived their life instead of yours. An Al-Qaeda fighter made a point once during a debriefing. He said, all these movies that America makes, like Independence Day and Hunger Games and Star Wars, they're all about a small, scrappy band of rebels who will do anything in their power with the limited resources available to them to expel an outside, technologically advanced invader. And what you don't realize he said, is that to us, to the rest of the world, you are the Empire, and we are Luke and Han. You are the aliens, and we are Will Smith. But the truth is, when you talk to the people who are really fighting on the ground on both sides, and ask them why they're there, they answer with hopes for their children, specific policies that they think are cruel or unfair. And while it may be easier to dismiss your enemy as evil, hearing them out on policy concerns is actually an amazing thing, because as long as your enemy is a subhuman psychopath that's going to attack you no matter what you do, this never ends. But if your enemy is a policy, however complicated, that we can work with.
Look, if you have a property dispute with a neighbor, then yes, you can sit down and listen to their side. But when you are dealing with genocidal groups like Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Taliban, Islamic Jihad, and others, then there is no need to hear their side. There can be no compromise with these groups.
Previous Relevant Blog Posts on RFK Jr.
A very good article by Rick Perlstein.
Efforts are being made to try and make RFK Jr. look sane
He spouts the same nonsense.
The ad puts RFK Jr. into a JFK television ad.
Cartoonist Jack Ohman has a good op-ed in the San Francisco Chronicle.
Politifact has named RFK Jr's campaign of conspiracy theories their 2023 Lie of the Year.
Just when I thought he couldn't get any wackier.
Of course, RFK Jr. is unclear as to what happened on 9/11.
RFK Jr. is interviewed by Tucker Carlson and tells a story about Allen Dulles that is just not true.
Of all the people to quote, RFK Jr chooses a charlatan.
RFK Jr. can't even quote his father properly.
An examination of RFK Jr's latest comments on Covid-19.
Finally, RFK Jr. gives us the name of one of the masterminds.
Two articles on RFK Jr.
His beliefs on Ukraine show that RFK Jr. is just not serious.
RFK has some wacky views on Wi-Fi.
RFK Jr. has a disturbing relationship with the Nation of Islam.
Besides being paranoid, RFK Jr. is naive about the world in which we live.
Putin knows which candidate to back.
He can't even quote his uncle properly.
He gets the Garrison story all wrong.
RFK Jr.'s favorite JFK assassination book is full of crackpot theories.