Here are Sylvia Meagher's notes on a phone call with Penn Jones from July 1967.
Note the last paragraph on Jim Garrison:

Here are a few links about Jim Garrison's cryptographic abilities:
Garrison had a unique ability to crack codes.
Garrison actually put this code in a draft of his book.
Here's an even bigger code breaker.
Popkin's article on the Garrison investigation didn't mention the code he had broken.
Previous Relevant Blog Posts about Sylvia Meagher
Sylvia Meagher's reply to Look Magazine's article "The Persecution of Clay Shaw."
An exchange of letters between Lane and Meagher.
Sylvia Meagher writes Clay Shaw and he replies.
An unpublished Meagher memo on the trial of Clay Shaw.
Another unpublished Meagher memo on the Garrison investigation and Warren Report critics.
Sylvia Meagher's letter to the Editor regarding Garrison's interview in Playboy Magazine.
Meagher writes Harold Weisberg with her comments on the verdict.
James Phelan and Sylvia Meagher write Garrison letters about his book.
An exchange of letters between Thornley and Meagher.
Meagher writes Thornley about Lane's comment on RFK
Meagher writes Clay Shaw.
Meagher writes Thornley with an opinion.
Exchange of letters between Meagher, Arnoni and Garrison.
Meagher writes Weisberg about the damage Garrison is doing to critics of the Warren Report.
Meagher replies to the New York Review of Books regarding Popkin's article on Garrison.
An exchange of letters between Popkin and Meagher.