Landis spoke to the HSCA on February 17, 1979. He only told them there were two shots from different directions. Nothing about finding a bullet or finding a bullet fragment.

Here is my transcription:
Asked what happened 22nd
Said he heard shots, different in
sound ∴ [therefore] different in direction.
1st behind, 2nd in front right.
Report written on 30th (CX 1024)
w/o reading newspapers. What
I remembered – not consensus of
what all of us thought. No
pressure to shape testimony (knew
of implication of 2 directions) Only interviewed by W/C for 10 minutes.
Voluntarily left service 6 months
after assassination. Shook up by
Dallas and works with Mrs. Kennedy after 22nd.
Now works with father-in-law in machine shop.
Landis told the HSCA that he was interviewed by the Warren Commission.
Does anybody have a record of this or is this another one of his stories?
Previous Relevant Blog Posts on Paul Landis
An NBC journalist asked him the question and his answer is remarkable.
Landis talked to the Sixth Floor Museum but didn't mention picking up a bullet or bullet fragments.
A look at Landis's statements over the years.
Jefferson Morley believes that Phyllis Hall, a nurse at Parkland, corroborates Landis's allegations about a bullet. She doesn't.