Mae Brussell was a researcher who saw conspiracies everywhere. Even researcher Dick Russell wrote that he had always considered her to be "a bit fringy." She was not happy with the HSCA and she sent Representative Carl Stokes this letter of complaint:

Brussell believed that Fred Crisman was either one of the tramps or was with the tramps in Dealey Plaza. This is not true as Crisman's widow provided evidence to the HSCA that Crisman was teaching high school in Oregon on November 22, 1963:

In point 8, Brussell mentions the Torbitt document [otherwise known as "The Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal", which accuses all sorts of groups and people as being involved in the JFK assassination. Few people take it seriously.
It is interesting that Brussell was one of the first to talk about Jack Ruby and his examination by Dr. Jolyon West, whom she claims was a CIA agent (point 17). I looked at the issue of Ruby and MK-Ultra, resuscitated by Jefferson Morley, in three blog posts:
An answer to Morley's critique of my article on Ruby and West.
There is no evidence that Dr. West petitioned the court to examine Jack Ruby before his trial.
There is absolutely no evidence that Dr. Louis Jolyon West interfered with Jack Ruby's case.
Here is a letter that Mae Brussell wrote to Jim Garrison:

Quite the letter. Brussell tells Garrison that the JFK assassination was planned in 1961, and that Sirhan Sirhan was a CIA agent.
There was even controversy after Brussell died of cancer in 1988 :

Money Quote:
Many former Brussell colleagues and disciples -- Seneres, Emory and Judge included -- content her death, of cancer at age 66, may have been induced by intelligence interests who wanted her silenced.
Here is Peter Knight's entry for Mae Brussell in the Conspiracy Theories in American History: An Encyclopedia:

Previous Relevant Blog Posts
Dick Russell's suspicion that General Charles Willoughby was the mastermind of the JFK assassination started with an article by Mae Brussell.
Mae Brussell also spread disinformation about Permindex.