The New Orleans States-Item endorsed Harry Connick for District Attorney in the Democratic Primary in 1969. They ran a series of front page editorials - and here is their first from October 30, 1969:

Here is one of the reasons why they ran that editorial (from the same newspaper):

Here is the next one from November 4, 1969:

And, November 5, 1969:

And, November 6, 1969:

Here is a news story about the race from November 6, 1969 with some interesting information on crime in New Orleans:

Garrison wouldn't debate his opponents (see above) and so he bought television spots. This is also from November 6, 1969:

Garrison won the election:

New Orleans States-Item, November 10, 1969
Here is a letter to the editor from the November 4, 1969 issue of the New Orleans States-Item about Jim Garrison:

Previous Posts
A transcription of a talk given by Charles Ward while running against Garrison for District Attorney. A unique inside view of the D. A.'s office.