Oliver Stone's so-called documentary series, JFK: Destiny Betrayed. misleads viewers by alleging the CIA was involved in a plot against the life of French President Charles de Gaulle. Here is an excerpt from a transcript: (25:24 in the first episode)
Donald Sutherland: Beyond a coup, in fact, there were at least six attempts to assassinate de Gaulle by the OAS, and others that continued even after he agreed to grant Algeria its independence.
Scene from The Day of the Jackal
[Clip started when that narration did.]

Screen shot from JFK: Destiny Betrayed
(25:36 - 25:50: clip continues; shooting at a car, no voiceover]
Donald Sutherland: In one of these plots, there is evidence that French dissidents and the CIA conspired to poison de Gaulle.
JFK: Destiny Betrayed briefly shows the top of page one of the June 15, 1975 edition of the Chicago Tribune:

The alarmist headline belies the text in the body of the article;
In the outline presented to the congressional leaders, there is no hint of what the CIA's actual role might have been had the plot reached fruition. Also, there is no indication whether the CIA was to have arranged the assassination, provided the ring, or merely given its unofficial sanction to the killing thru financial or other support.
JFK: Destiny Betrayed misleads viewers by leaving the impression that the CIA was involved in assassination attempts on de Gaulle. But the CIA had absolutely nothing to do with the 1962 plot against de Gaulle in the fact-based but fictional film, The Day of the Jackal. Right after the clip, the film quickly transitions to the Chicago Tribune story.
As you can see from the Tribune article, the text doesn't really match the headline. There are very few specifics and there is no indication that the CIA initiated or did anything in this supposed plot.
And, of course, all of this followed the segment about supposed CIA involvement in the 1961 coup attempt on de Gaulle. You can read more about what really happened in the coup attempt here.

This never turned into a CIA embarrassment because nothing really happened. The producers of JFK: Destiny Betrayed thought the Chicago Tribune headline could serve their purposes, without informing the audience of what really happened.
Oliver Stone and James DiEugenio seem to have a thing about France:
Oliver Stone's so-called documentary claims the CIA supported the 1961 coup attempt against French President Charles de Gaulle in 1961. The only thing missing is evidence
Did Gerald Ford really disclose to French President Valery Giscard D'Estaing that the JFK assassination was a conspiracy? Perhaps not.
Previous Relevant Blog Posts on JFK: Destiny Betrayed
The evidence is clear - Robert Kennedy wanted Allen Dulles on the Warren Commission.
Jim Garrison is AWOL in Oliver Stone's so-called documentary JFK: Destiny Betrayed.
Previous Relevant Blog Posts on JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass
Oliver Stone is disappointed that no major movie or TV reviewers have commented on his so-called documentary.
Yes, Oliver Stone is an alterationist.
James Kirchick's terrific article on Oliver Stone and homosexuality.
Just when I thought conspiracy theorists couldn't get any crazier.
Tracy Parnell debunks a series about JFK Revisited on the WhoWhatWhy website, and Andrew Jackson debunks the film on Quora. Both articles are well worth your time.
Did Saundra Spencer really develop a completely different set of autopsy photographs?
Oliver Stone's so-called documentary tries to make the case that a White House photographer took photos at the autopsy. The only problem is that there is no evidence he was actually there.
Stone misspeaks on the Joe Rogan show about JFK's brain.
Stone misspeaks on the Joe Rogan show and I present a challenge to conspiracy theorists.
Tracy Parnell dissects Morley's article on JFK assassination documents and "JFK Revisited"
Did President Kennedy actually say that he was going to shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the wind?
David Talbot claims that JFK told the French Ambassador that he was not in full control of his entire government. There is no evidence he ever said that.
Oliver Stone's so-called documentary claims the CIA supported the 1961 coup attempt against French President Charles de Gaulle in 1961. The only thing missing is evidence.
Max Boot: Oliver Stone just can't stop spreading lies about JFK's assassination.
Did Gerald Ford really disclose to French President Valery Giscard D'Estaing that the JFK assassination was a conspiracy? Perhaps not.
Robert Kennedy, Jr. believes in a massive conspiracy regarding Covid and the intelligence agencies.
While Gerald Ford edited some language in the Warren Report, he did not change the location of the back wound. Autopsy photographs show exactly the location of the back wound.
Oliver Stone's so-called documentary alleges that Oswald was "moved" to Dallas and "placed" in the Texas School Book Depository. This is totally ridiculous.
The preponderance of the evidence indicates JFK's throat wound was one of exit.
There is no evidence that there was actually a plot against JFK in Chicago.
Gochenaur's writings don't back up his allegations in JFK Revisited.
Oliver Stone's so-called documentary claims that Guy Banister gave Oswald a room at 544 Camp Street. The evidence does not support the allegation.
Dr. Robert Kirschner's consultation with the ARRB explains a mystery in the documentary.
JFK Revisited makes a big deal about the weight of JFK's brain and ignores a non-conspiratorial explanation.
Oliver Stone's so-called documentary makes it sound like the autopsy photographer said that he did not take the photos of JFK's brain that are in the current inventory,
Oliver Stone took to Twitter last weekend to bemoan the fact that the mainstream press is ignoring his so-called documentary, JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass.
There is something really obscene about Oliver Stone once again going after Clay Shaw.
You won't learn everything you need to know about Connally's position on the shots from Oliver Stone's so-called documentary.
Oliver Stone tries to make it seem like Marina Porter has denied taking the backyard photographs of Lee Harvey Oswald.
Oliver Stone once again raises the issue of the legitimacy of the backyard photographs of Lee Harvey Oswald.
This post debunks every witness that has ever claimed Shaw was Bertrand.
He cannot imagine any sort of non-conspiratorial explanations for any of the suspicious pieces of evidence in his film.
No, Clay Shaw was not a "contract agent."
Steve Roe Blog Posts on JFK Revisited
An exchange of letters between James DiEugenio and Jeremy Gunn of the ARRB.
There is some 'interesting' editing in Oliver Stone's so-called documentary.
JFK Revisited Screen Writer Crawfishes on Dallas to Chicago Airmail Overnight Delivery James DiEugenio changes his story on the Klein's money order.
Conspiracy theorist James DiEugenio doesn't understand the history of the mail deliver in the United States.
The truth about Jack Ruby and the FBI.
"Stone/DiEugenio hatch another Bogus Mystery with Sinister Strap/Sling Mounts on Oswald's Rifle"
Oliver Stone claims that Oswald could not have been in the sniper's nest on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository. Steve Roe exposes Stone's mistakes.
In an interview on RT [Russia Today], Oliver Stone says that the throat wound might have been made by a flechette.
Steve Roe presents some examples of Oliver Stone's 'creative' abilities.
Oliver Stone distorts the testimony about Oswald's palmprint on the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle.