Here is an excerpt from a transcript: (38:10)
Jefferson Morley: Then there's a second document that I came across in the Angleton collection, the Angleton documents that were declassified, and this was Angleton's testimony to the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1978.
So the first testimony he gave was in 1975, he was still being called by congressional investigators three years later in 1978. And in 1978 he was asked two questions. He was asked the question: was Oswald ever the subject of a CIA project? And Angleton, speaking under oath, says, "no."
The next question is, do you know a man named Reuben Efron? And Angleton says, "yes." Do you know what his job was? Mail intercept, okay. So Angleton's answers to the second and third question definitively show that his answer to the first question was false. He obviously did know that this man, Reuben Efron, was involved in mail surveillance of Lee Harvey Oswald. He was under oath and he lied about it.
How do we know that? Well, there was no way to know that until April 2023, okay, sixty years after Kennedy's assassination. The CIA declassified a memo and said that a man named Reuben Efron was in charge of a CIA project of mail surveillance, and that Efron had read a letter from Lee Harvey Oswald's mother, and he had forwarded it to one of Angleton's aides in June 1962.
So that's where we now can say, with confidence, that Angleton lied to congressional investigators about what he knew about the surveillance of Oswald.
Again, some people consider that a nothing burger. I don't. I think that it's significant.

Goldsmith was asking about a card found in Oswald's 201 file, which included the words "CI PROJECT/RE. This was reported in detail here. CI PROJECT referred to HTLINGUAL, and RE were the initials of an employee who translated the document.
If you follow the questioning, it is most probable that the question, "was Oswald ever the subject of any CIA project," really "was Oswald ever the subject of a CI project." And in the last section, the line "Mr. Goldsmith.. It could be, it is probably a mail intercept" was spoken by Angleton.
Goldsmith clearly knew who Reuben Efron was.
So, Reuben Efron worked on HTLINGUAL, and Oswald was on the watch list, but does this prove that Angleton was lying about Oswald not being the "subject of any CIA project."? Or CI Project? Unless anybody on the watch list is considered to be the subject of a counterintelligence operation.
Morley's logic just escapes me.
Reuben Efron learned of Lee Harvey Oswald's impending return to the United States in a 1962 Washington Post article. He then searched the HTLINGUAL files and found a Marguerite Oswald letter to her son, and then wrote a memo to his superiors about what he had found:

Efron wasn't monitoring Oswald. He was just noticed the news item about Oswald and thought there might be something in the HTLINGUAL files. He was right.
To Morley, the so-called disclosure of Reuben Efron's name reinforces his view that there was some sort of undisclosed CIA operation surrounding Oswald. The truth may simply be that Oswald just happened to bump into a variety of sensitive but unrelated operations: surveillance of the Russian and Cuban embassies in Mexico City; opening of mail (not just his) to and from the Soviet Union; anti-Fair Play for Cuba Committee activities (not just against him) by the DRE; coverage of the mail of the Russian embassy in Washington D.C.; and even (back in 1960) the FBI's monitoring of 'funds transmitted to residents of Russia.' The sensitivity of all of these could easily make a lone-gunman assassination look conspiratorial.
It's just a matter of time before another supposed discovery will, once again, confirm to Morley that there was a supposed "Oswald operation."
Do all roads lead to Rome? In Morley's case, all the evidence, no matter how thin, leads to an Oswald operation.
Coming up: The Heath memo once again.
Previous Relevant Blog Posts on Jefferson Morley
Morley misreads an FBI document about a conversation with Angleton about HTLINGUAL.
Several months ago, I posted an article, in association with several researchers, that showed what was contained in the redacted section of Schlesinger's memo.
Morley somehow knows what is in the supposed 2,400 recently-discovered FBI files.
Morley discusses Israel with Tucker Carlson.
Morley believes that the United States can never be great unless it solves the JFK assassination.
An analysis of the 13 documents Morley wants to see.
Morley claims I am a CIA apologist and then misquotes me.
It would be worthwhile for the CIA to release the Joannides file just to stop the incessant posts from Jefferson Morley.
Actually, Oswald stayed at two budget-priced hotels in Helsinki.
He keeps asking the same questions, and we keep posting the same answers.
Conspiracy authors are playing fast and loose with the facts.
There is no evidence that Diaz was involved in the JFK assassination.
There are clues as to what is in a redacted section of Schlesinger's memo.
Chad Nagle and Dan Storper's article on New Orleans gets everything wrong.
Believing Michael Kurtz is problematic.
Morley wrote that there are two redacted memos on CIA reorganization, but there is only one. He wrote about Goodwin's copy as if it was a different memo, rather than a copy of the Schlesinger memo.
The phrase 'who shot John' does not refer to the JFK assassination.
Only one word is redacted in Harvey's deposition.
There are no redactions in the Operation Northwoods document.
Kilgallen had nothing to tell.
An underwhelming interview of Marina Oswald.
Morley often repeats stories and changes their meanings.
Chad Nagle claims there was an assassination plot against JFK in Chicago in November 1963. One problem: There is no evidence of such a plot.
A response to Morley's Substack post alleging that I am a CIA apologist.
A rebuttal to Morley's response to my post Was Bill Harvey in Dallas in November of 1963?
There is no credible evidence Harvey was in Dallas in November of 1963.
Morley repeats the claim that Dulles was at a CIA training center during the weekend of the JFK assassination. He wasn't.
Morley's claims about Efron are all wrong.
Morley responded to my article "The Truth about Operation Northwoods." Here is my reply.
W. Tracy Parnell is one of the best JFK assassination researchers out there. Here is his look at Jefferson Morley with several important articles.
Operation Northwoods can only be understood as part of the Kennedys' war against Cuba and Operation Mongoose.
And a response from me.
There is no evidence that Dr. West petitioned the court to examine Jack Ruby before his trial.
There is absolutely no evidence that Dr. Louis Jolyon West interfered with Jack Ruby's case.
Jefferson Morley used a fake Oswald handbill in his press conference for the Mary Ferrell Foundation.
An examination of redactions in the JFK collection of documents.