Garrison tried hard to convince Playboy he was the real deal. And, so he wrote them a memo. I found this in the papers of Elmer Gertz, Gordon Novel's lawyer, and it appears that Garrison didn't have time to finish the memo.

Once again, you can see that Garrison was well aware of the Paese Sera articles about Clay Shaw and Permindex/CMC. He references the Italian, French and Canadian stories - but all of those stories emanated from Paese Sera, a communist-controlled newspaper that ran a series of articles, after Shaw's arrest, alleging that CMC was a CIA front. It wasn't.
I have gone through the papers of Louis Bloomfield, a Montreal lawyer who represented shareholders of Permindex/CMC - and I can tell you that there was nothing nefarious about the organization. Check out chapter 19 of my book, On The Trail of Delusion - "Garrison's Forgotten Victim: Major Louis Bloomfield."
Garrison also talks of a relationship between Clay Shaw and Jack Ruby. None of this was brought up at trial. I wonder why.
In addition to this memo, Eric Norden, the interviewer wrote a second memo with secret information.

Once again, more information on Permindex/CMC. But, there are some significant errors - the memo claims that the company was dissolved by the Swiss government in 1961. This is patently false, Permindex left Switzerland in the late 1950s because they could not raise enough capital for their project in Basle. The local government had demanded that they also had to build a hotel to support their world trade center. They just couldn't raise enough capital and moved to Rome. This was all written very clearly in State Department Dispatches.
Louis Bloomfield is mentioned in #2 above, although Garrison buys into the story Richard Giesbrecht told about overhearing a conversation at the Winnipeg airport about the JFK assassination. One man supposedly had fake eyebrows. The FBI thought he had an overactive imagination. But, Giesbrecht had a criminal background and he destroyed his notes of the conversation. Why Garrison melds Bloomfield with Giesbrecht is beyond me - perhaps because both were Canadian.
But, here is what I think is important. Bloomfield lived in Montreal, and Garrison knew that. Why on earth did Garrison not pick up the phone and talk to him? It would have been easy to find him - Bloomfield was a well-known lawyer in Montreal operating out of a very prominent law firm. He was very well known in Montreal. Bloomfield could have told Garrison everything he ever wanted to know about Permindex/CMC - after all he was the lawyer representing some of the larger shareholders.
Perhaps Garrison knew the allegations about Permindex/CMC were false?
Nothing came out of Clay Shaw's notebooks, and the rest of the memo is just really bad rumors. Number 7 above is just plain fantasy.