An intriguing news conference:

Beverly Hills Citizen News, July 31, 1968
Money Quote:
In a press conference, Lane said he has received "a telephone call from a former CIA agent who told me they (the agency) had a plan to kill me. He told me it was postponed because someone thought 'Lane's death would make too big a splash now,' and that the plan would go into effect later.'"
Previous Relevant Blog Posts on Mark Lane
A profile from Mother Jones magazine.
A profile from Esquire Magazine.
An Anthony Lewis column on Mark Lane from 1978.
Howard Roffman finds that Mark Lane's scholarship is lacking.
A profile of Mark Lane in Newsweek.
For $25,000 Mark Lane offers to introduce Jim Garrison to a witness that would tie Jack Ruby with Clay Shaw.
This post has a good case study of how Mark Lane exploited a redaction in a document.