Clint Bolton was a friend of Kerry Thornley and he had a column in the Vieux Carre Courier, a local New Orleans newspaper.
Here is an excerpt from one of his columns about Thornley:

Garrison indicted Thornley for perjury for maintaining that he did not bump into Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans in September 1963.
Thornley dedicated his 1965 book Oswald to Clint Bolton:

Of course, the Garrisonites reject Bolton as a reliable witness:
During his two-year New Orleans stay of 1961-63, Thornley also befriended Clint Bolton, an associate of Courtney. (Ibid, Probe Magazine) Bolton wrote publicity copy for the FDC [Friends of Democratic Cuba]. And Thornley dedicated his 1965 book, entitled simply Oswald, to Bolton. (We will discuss this book later.) According to Garrison’s sources, Bolton was associated with the CIA.
What sources? And what does that mean, "associated with the CIA."?
Mr. DiEugenio does not tell us. By the way, Clint Bolton is not mentioned in Jim Garrison's book, On the Trail of the Assassins.
And here is a letter that Thornley sent to Sylvia Meagher:

Note the second to last paragraph:
Garrison could not not believe I was not associated with Ed Butler, even though I had never heard of the man when I was in N.O. to testify. Later I learned that Clint Bolton (a friend of mine who Wildgoose [Garrison] thinks is my "CIA babysitter") was acquainted with Butler briefly, but disliked him intensely.
So, Garrison thought that Clint Bolton was Thornley's CIA babysitter!
Previous Relevant Blog Posts on Kerry Thornley
Lifton circulated a memo he wrote on Garrison and Thornley in 1968. Here is his memo along with some exhibits.
My obituary for David Lifton includes a letter that he wrote to Mark Lane about Kerry Thornley.
A link to a tape recording of a phone call between Kerry Thornley and Andrew Sciambra.
James DiEugenio includes a clearly false story about Thornley in his book.
Garrison was obsessed about Oswald's height.
Garrison tells the HSCA all sorts of stories about Kerry Thornley.
Garrison tells the HSCA that Kerry Thornley might be the body in the backyard photographs.
Why was Kerry Thornley arrested in 1962?
The first writings from Thornley on November 27, 1963, about Oswald.
Jim Garrison was convinced that Thornley was the only Marine to describe Oswald's left-wing politics.
Sylvia Meagher was a big supporter of Kerry Thornley and here is some of their correspondence.
Garrison writes a memo to the HSCA alleging that Thornley was the second Oswald.
An interview with another prisoner is more evidence to Jim Garrison that Thornley is the second Oswald.
Was Kerry Thornley gay?
Previous Relevant Links on James DiEugenio:
James DiEugenio goes after another writer who dares go against the orthodoxy.
James DiEugenio is unaware that an HSCA report on Oswald and the CIA was actually published.
Dan Hardway rebuts James DiEugenio.
Why does James DiEugenio write for one of the major agents of Russian disinformation?
Mr. DiEugenio thinks that I libeled him, but his accusations are all over the map.
Was Lee Harvey Oswald at an anti-Castro training camp in the summer of 1963?
Was David Ferrie at an anti-Castro training camp in the summer of 1963?
James DiEugenio accepts a phony story as fact.
Bill Boxley was not a CIA plant.
Clay Shaw was not Clay Bertrand.
A response to James DiEugenio about my writings.
Prouty couldn't back up any of his allegations when he was interviewed by the ARRB. You wouldn't believe the lame excuse offered up by DiEugenio.
Why does Oliver Stone support so many dictators?
DiEugenio has no understanding of Permindex/CMC
DiEugenio gets it all wrong on the Mannlicher-Carcano
The conclusion on the Mannlicher-Carcano
Over the past ten months, I have debunked every witness cited by DiEugenio regarding Clay Shaw and David Ferrie.