Fred Litwin

Jun 211 min

Fred Litwin and Michel Gagné Analyze Rob Reiner's Podcast, Part One

A few weeks ago, I spent about 4 hours discussing Rob Reiner's podcast on the JFK assassination with Michel Gagné, author of Thinking Critically About the Kennedy Assassination: Debunking the Myths and Conspiracy Theories.

You can read an excerpt from Michel's book here.

And check out his website:

Previous Relevant Blog Posts

Rob Reiner's Podcast Series, Part Two

Was there a fake defector program at Nags Head, North Carolina?

Rob Reiner's Podcast Series, Part One

Flimsy evidence is cited that originated in Hustler Magazine.

Rob Reiner on the Two Oswalds

Reiner believes the two-Oswald theory.

Jefferson Morley: Able to Leap Intellectual Chasms in a Single Bound

This blog post also covers the concluding episode of Reiner's podcast.
