Fred Litwin

Jun 244 min

Dr. Robert McClelland on Jim Garrison

Updated: 7 days ago

Dr. Robert McClelland with his bloody shirt from November 22, 1963 which he donated to the Sixth Floor Museum.

Here is a memo written by Harold Weisberg after meeting Dr. McClelland:

Weisberg writes that "He [McClelland] volunteered at some length about Garrison's men, describing Garrison as a psychopath, and seem proud that he talked them out of calling him as a witness."

Towards the end of the memo, Weisberg writes that "McC was quite bitter about Garrison and Lane, but he was without complaint about Specter and the Warren Commission ... "

McClelland also spoke about Garrison to the ARRB: (page 71 in the transcript)

Dr. McClelland: Dr. Jenkins, when I came in the room, told me as I walked by to come up to the head of the table and he said, Bob, there's a wound in the left temple there. And so I went to the table and I thought, you know, knowing nothing else about any of the circumstances, that's like that (indicating),

Mr. Gunn: Just for the record, you're pointing with you --

Dr. McClelland: Yeah, the left temple --

Mr. Gunn: -- finger at the left temple and now the back of the head.

Dr. McClelland: -- came out the back. And there was a lot of blood on the left temple. There was blood everywhere, but there was a lot of blood on the left temple, so I didn't question that.

And, in fact, in something else -- Pepper testified somewhere else, he denied that he said that to me in the Warren Commission. And I told him -- I said, Pepper, don't you remember? No, I never said that, Bob, and I never said the cerebellum fell out. Well, yes, you did, too, but I didn't argue with him.

But the upshot of it is what that led to was Mr. Garrison's case in New Orleans, and he put together a scenario where he thought someone -- because of what I had said about the left temple bullet -- was in the storm sewer on the left side of the car and fired this bullet that killed the President, another gunman.

Dr. McClelland written report from November 22, 1963, states that JFK had a wound in his left temple, which clearly shows he was either confused or did not get a good look at the wound:

He wrote that "cause of death was due to massive head and brain injury from a gunshot wound of the left temple"

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