Fred Litwin

Jan 172 min

Daniel Patrick Moynihan on Oliver Stone's 'JFK'

A pretty good opinion piece from the Washington Post of December 29, 1991.

Money quote:

And so to "JFK." It could be viewed as parody. The homosexual orgies in the New Orleans town house of the villain Clay Shaw are straight out of Maria Monk's nunnery in Montreal. The generals boozing it up as they plan the murder of their commander-in-chief are straight out of Ramparts in a slow week in the '60s. The black waiter who hears nothing is, well, MGM in the '30s. A John Birch look-alike is the fake erudition. Garrison is forever going on about those who practice to deceive, about riddles wrapped in mysteries inside enigmas. Of particular note: "Let justice be done, though the heavens fall." At one point I all but yelled out: "Jim! Use the code! Fiat Justica Ruat Coelum."

Previous Relevant Blog Posts on Oliver Stone's JFK

The Second Coming of Jim Garrison

An important article from The Atlantic by Edward Jay Epstein on Oliver Stone's JFK.

David Wrone on Oliver Stone's "JFK"

Wrone was a friend of Harold Weisberg's and was also very critical of JFK.

Oliver Stone says his "battles continue with the truth"

More inane comments on the JFK assassination.

Oliver Stone Claims He is Not a Conspiracy Theorist

An excerpt from an interview with Chris Wallace.

Oliver Stone's Hijacking of History 

A good opinion piece from the Boston Globe.

Harold Weisberg writes Oliver Stone 

Two letters from Weisberg to Stone.

Joe Bob Goes to the Drive-In Reviews "JFK" 

A good review of Stone's JFK.

Paul Hoch and Josiah Thompson on Oliver Stone's "JFK" 

Two JFK researchers watch Stone's JFK.

Washington Post on the 30th Anniversary of Oliver Stone's "JFK" 

An interesting look back.

Harold Weisberg and Tom Wicker 

Wicker reviews JFK for the New York Times and Weisberg responds.

Boston Phoenix said Oliver Stone's JFK was "sadly homophobic" 

Even this counterculture newspaper knew the truth about JFK.

David Lifton Writes to Oliver Stone 

David Lifton gave me permission to post this letter.

Gary Cornwell on Jim Garrison and Oliver Stone 

The Deputy Chief Counsel of the HSCA offers up some opinions.

When Tommy Lee Jones met Jim Garrison... 

Garrison instructed Tommy Lee Jones on how to play Clay Shaw.

Is Oliver Stone's film, JFK, Homophobic? 

The Advocate writes about Oliver Stone and Jim Garrison.

I've Been Blocked by Oliver Stone! 

This post has a large Robert Sam Anson article on the film JFK from Esquire magazine.

A New Orleans Look at Oliver Stone's JFK 

Pershing Gervais, Garrison's first chief investigator, and reporter Rosemary James report back on the film JFK.

George Lardner's internal Washington Post Memo about Oliver Stone 

Lardner writes a memo to his editors about Oliver Stone.

Don't miss the Viewer's Guide to JFK: Destiny Betrayed and JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass. 

Over the past several months, I have shown in multiple blog posts how Oliver Stone's documentary series, JFK Revisited and JFK: Destiny Betrayed, misleads viewers. In fact, despite months of work, there are still many more misleading segments that need to be addressed. It's no wonder that the fact checkers of Netflix nixed the airing of the films.

There is a choice between four hours of tendentious nonsense (JFK: Destiny Betrayed) and two hours (JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass). As a handy guide for viewers, here are all those posts in order of their appearance in JFK: Destiny Betrayed and JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass, preceded by some general critiques.

The Viewer's Guide has now been updated to include the sources from my new book, Oliver Stone's Film-Flam: The Demagogue of Dealey Plaza. 
